Licensing and Download

Some utility programs can be downloaded for free (see License Agreement). Typically, the (Fortran) source code is provided, i.e., the user has to compile the source code to obtain a platform-specific executable.

Only very limited user support can be provided for installing and running these programs. 


AddBound (PC, MAC, SRC): Connects all elements in a user-specified region to a single (boundary) element.

AssignRock  (PC, MAC, SRC): Assigns material names to elements within a user-specified region.

DeleteElements (PC, MAC, SRC) Deletes all elements and related connections in a user-specified region.

Eos9Eos3  (PC, MAC, SRC) Converts SAVE from EOS9 to INCON for EOS3.

EXT (PC, MAC, SRC) Extracts variables from TOUGH output file for plotting with Tecplot visualization software.

FindElement (PC, MAC, SRC) Finds element near given coordinates.

MINC2MESH (PC, MAC, SRC):  Splits a MINC file containing a multi-continuum grid into separate MESH files, one for each continuum.

MoveMesh (PC, MAC, SRC):  Adds constants to X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates.

Perm2Mesh (PC, MAC, SRC):  Inserts log-permeability field values from coordinate-log(k) file as permeability modifiers into columns 41-50 of TOUGH mesh file.