Software Services
Finsterle GeoConsulting considers numerical simulation software an essential tool for the understanding, design, characterization, prediction, and engineering of subsurface systems. In addition to performing scientific and engineering projects using the iTOUGH2 simulation-optimization framework, Finsterle GeoConsulting offers the following software development and support services:
Development and customization of multiphysics numerical tools based on the TOUGH suite of nonisothermal multiphase flow and transport simulators.
Development and customization of inverse modeling, sensitivity analysis, uncertainty quantification, and data-worth analysis techniques based on the iTOUGH2 simulation-optimization framework.
Development and customization of pre- and post-processing tools (free download of Fortran source code).
Troubleshooting, support, and training in the use of TOUGH2 and iTOUGH2.
Development, customization, and support of iGeoT multicomponent geothermometer.
Development, customization, and support of iWater watershed analysis toolset.